The Plan


Project: Red Carr

  • Secures and purchases property, moves into existing dwelling
  • The first of three build projects.

Project: Yellow Submarine

  • Starts building their dwelling the next Spring after Red Carr has occupied new dwelling.

Project: Blue Kingship

  • Plans under revision.

Timeline and Milestones

Spring 2021

DONE Project: Red Carr sells house in the city, moves into The Shoe.

DONE All: Identify candidate lots and make selection.

Summer 2021

DONE Project: Red Carr moves onto property. All teams start to prepare and improve existing dwelling for occupancy.

Autumn 2021

DONE Winterize The Shoe.

Winter 2021 – Spring 2022

DONE Project: Blue Kingship sells house in the city, and moves into temporary accommodation near where houses will be built.

Winter 2023

  • Change of plan: Project: Yellow Submarine to sell their house in the city, sharing accommodation with Project: Blue Kingship near where houses will be built.
  • Project: Red Carr prepares building plans


  • Project: Red Carr to get information on permits and by-laws for compliance.
  • Project: Red Carr starts clearing site location.
  • Project: Red Carr starts building their dwelling
  • Project: Red Carr moves into their new dwelling
  • Project: Yellow Submarine – Conception, Ideation and Research
  • Project: Yellow Submarine – Design.
  • Project: Yellow Submarine – Preconstruction
  • Project: Yellow Submarine – Procurement
  • Project: Yellow Submarine – Construction
  • Project: Yellow Submarine – Commmissioning
  • Project: Yellow Submarine – Occupancy
  • Project: Blue Kingship prepares building plans.